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This paper responds to recent calls to bridge strategy and organization research by combining Strategy-as-Practice and Neo-Institutional Theory through re-theorizing the notion of strategic actor. We problematize the notion of strategic actor at the field level, and rely on insights from management and organization studies and sociology to advance a theoretical framework that conceptualizes organizations as social actors at the field level. We demonstrate our theoretical framework by drawing on corporate social responsibility rating agencies. We see corporate social responsibility rating agencies as supra-individual, social actors that are predisposed to assume an active role in defining and revisiting structural parameters within the society through their purposeful, meaningful actions and interactions. Our main contribution is to the development of the Strategy-as-Practice literature, achieved by re-theorizing the notion of strategic actor at the field level. This contribution responds to the micro-isolationism critique, and proposes a new focus for Strategy-as Practice research.  相似文献   
当今世界正处于“百年未有之大变局”中。这是中国共产党对于世界新的时代特征的全新、科学和准确的研判。“百年未有之大变局”这一重大论断,具有深厚的马克思主义哲学的本体论基础、认识论基础、矛盾论基础和历史观基础。作为科学世界观与方法论,马克思主义哲学的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义为我们深刻认识和精准把握“百年未有之大变局”的深层本质和哲学依据提供了重要的认知性引导、方法论基础和实践智慧支撑。  相似文献   
This paper reports on a small-scale project involving an online school exchange between two classes of 12-/13-year olds located in the North of England and the Ruhr area of Germany. The overarching aim of the project was to develop intercultural understanding in foreign language learning through communication in an online environment. Analysing data from website posts, lesson observations, student questionnaires and interviews, the paper investigates the extent to which the project realised this goal, and examines emerging practical and pedagogical issues. Comparing the processes and outcomes of this project in secondary education to similar projects in Higher Education (HE), the research found that the young people learnt more than older students about cultural similarities than differences. They were thus less likely to be party to cultural misunderstandings, developing friendly relationships and openness towards a people of a different culture. However, their failure to notice differences may have been due to a lack of in-depth discussion and absence of more demanding student tasks. The paper concludes that in order to develop more sophisticated intercultural learning, expertise derived from telecollaboration in HE needs to be adapted to the lower secondary school context, drawing particularly on auto-ethnography and ethnographic interviewing.  相似文献   
The workforce is rapidly aging. Already at record highs, labor force participation rates of both over-55 and over-65 age segments are expected to nearly double in the immediate future. The current chapter describes how these sweeping demographic changes necessitate both the unprecedented utilization of older workers and intergenerational collaboration, but also present the danger of heightened generational tension. We describe the specific risk factors for such tensions, highlighting the presence of generational boundaries at multiple levels: (a) individual, (b) interpersonal, (c) institutional, and (d) international. Drawing from our own work and relevant management literature, we then identify three broad domains within which intergenerational tensions are particularly salient at each of these levels: active Succession tensions over enviable resources and influence (e.g., employment), passive Consumption tensions over shared asset usage (e.g., healthcare) and symbolic Identity tensions over figurative space (e.g., cultural fit) (SCI). We conclude with suggestions for potential interventions, and major open areas for future organizational research, both of which should focus on how to maximize the utility of unprecedented intergenerational collaboration.  相似文献   
社会公益组织作为传播正能量的社会团体,是政府与社会组织的公益性的连结点。政府需要公益组织连接社会成员需求,获得社会认可;公益组织也希望得到政府的鼓励,获得公益影响。政府与公益组织良性互动的原因在于政府权威与社会自由之间的平衡。通过研究河南省J志愿者协会的发展现状,阐释了政府与公益组织良性发展的原因是政府职能边界的模糊性、公益组织的目标与政府具有一致性和公益组织必须适应环境的要求。  相似文献   
针对消费者对转换成本和价格属性具有显著性偏好的实际情况,基于显著性理论对垄断双边平台企业的转换成本和定价策略问题进行了研究。研究发现:1)在显著性偏好非对称型市场上,对价格敏感的一方收取的价格最低,对高转换成本的一方收取的价格最高,而在显著性偏好对称型市场上,平台的最优价格位于非对称型市场之间,但是对价格敏感型市场收取的价格低于转换成本敏感型市场的价格。2)在高转换成本的市场,平台利润最低;低转换成本市场平台利润最高,而混合型情况的最优利润位于这两者之间。该研究结论说明平台企业应该采取措施来降低用户加入平台的转换成本,从而增加利润,这与现实的案例研究结论相吻合。  相似文献   
I conducted a trust game in the field within a natural experiment paradigm to test the effects of urbanization on both in- and out-group trust. I found that urbanization has a larger positive effect on out-group trust than on in-group trust. My findings provide new knowledge to the literature on the intricacy of the urbanization-trust relationship and contribute to the ongoing discourse on the different foundations underpinning in-group and out-group trust.  相似文献   
湘鄂川黔革命根据地是长江南岸的最后一块红色根据地,是在全国其他各路红军离开原有根据地后,由红二、六军团会师后建立的,为我国革命战争的胜利起到了不可忽视的作用。文章以“扩红运动”为研究维度,从三个方面进行深刻论析。面对国民党的“围剿”、根据地内反动势力的迫害以及薄弱的地方武装力量,“扩红运动”的组织发动显得迫切需要。“扩红运动”的组织发动不仅对打击封建反动势力、维护苏维埃政权、壮大革命队伍、策应红军长征,以及保卫土地革命成果、扩大中国共产党的影响有着重要的历史意义,而且还对当今密切党群关系、处理民族关系、加强军队建设等都有着重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
叶晓阳  丁延庆 《社会》2015,35(3):193-220
本文利用2011年首都高校生发展状况调查的数据,分析北京高校学生的分层现状,并讨论了1999年高等教育扩张对大学生入学和就业分层的影响,发现这一轮扩张强化了社会阶层的复制而非再生产。一方面,在其他条件不变的情况下,来自社会优势阶层家庭的学生有更大概率进入具有更好教育质量的精英院校,这说明中国高等教育在这一时期具有排他性的特征;家庭的社会阶层背景对子女教育分层的影响在中学阶段更加明显;家庭背景对专业选择没有显著影响。另一方面,在控制家庭社会经济背景的影响后,教育质量与学生选择市场化部门就业的概率和工作起薪显著正相关。如果高等教育扩张降低了教育质量,就可能削弱高等教育对社会阶层流动的促进作用。  相似文献   
马丹 《社会》2015,35(3):168-192
本研究以2008年和2009年在北京市、上海市和广东省进行的“中国家庭追踪调查”的数据为基础,运用多层线性模型和协方差模型探讨了社会网络对生活满意度的影响程度。研究表明,拜年网中朋友的比例、邻里互动频率和非正式社会参与都对生活满意度有积极影响,生活满意度与拜年网规模之间则呈现出“∩”型的相关关系。协方差分析结果表明,社会网络规模的扩大、朋友比例的上升和非正式社会参与频率的增加都有助于提高个人的生活满意度,但邻里互动频率的变化对个人生活满意度的提升作用还有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   
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